Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Blue Blue Day.......

suddenly, feel so exhausted. so tired of all the demands,
expectations, being patience and tolerant..

wanna feel free, errant and loose. easing a breath for my ownself and me.

deaf to all voices and sounds, forgotten about all bad things,
past and heartache.

is it wrong to have a hope? wrong to ask?

just once, a little thing to remember,
treated special and accounted for : me

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

The Mighty Fifty Shades of Grey

my newest obsession... *grin*
it's been such a long time since a book enthralled me in total awe. 
the last was Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh.

speaking of this trilogy, many people would've thought it as a sexpedia or 
just some babbles about romance with whole load of eroticas in it. 
but, please, let me tell you something about how you've wronged these books.

the story is deep. really deep in heavy romance thing. 
the story portraying a one's capacity to love.
Ana's love to Christian in my opinion is a real deal to read.

we all have our own dark, troublesome and painful story of our past.
and sometimes we might feel unworthy thanx to those awful memories.
but the book lit us a little hope, that somewhere out there, 
there's the perfect someone for you that can see through all the bad things 
and take us into the light.

i think the book is sweet, but just like the CTG character, 
not the kind of hearts and flowers. :)

i think you should give yourselves a try for the books.

don't forget to listen to THIS. it's their song. and my song, too, now.. ;)

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Blogging ga penting....????

mencoba menjadi blogger sejati... wkwkwkwk... sulit... bukan niat yang tak ada, tapi kadang seiring pertimbangan berulang2 merasa tersortir sendiri.. maksudnya?

kadang banyak hal yg ingin saya bagi, sy ceritakan.. tetapi sebelum jari ini menyentuh keyboard, kok rasanya hal - hal tadi jd kyny ga penting amat dibandingin issues lain globally, nationally.... jd ky cerita hal sepele aja...

anyhow, kyny ud ampir setaon juga ga buka blog. gileeee.... time flies like dust... dust? birds?

sekarang kami sekeluarga sedang menantikan berkat besar ni d 2013... sebenerny jd rada kangen pengen buka blog gara2 banyak browsing infos di internet... banyak bangettttt emak2 yg pd nge blog mendokumentasikan perjalanan hidupnya yg paling spectacular ini... and where am I?

bukannya jg manusia yg sibuk banget si gw, cm kembali pd awal tadi, rsny ga penting aja... -.-

sebenerny banyak banget yg bisa diceritain.. tapi entah kenapa, diri ini sepertinya jg tak ingin berbagi... hahahahaha... bukan apa, I wished to treasure these moments with my dearest aja... punya energi banyak mau didedikasikan buat 2 pria terpenting dalam hidupku saja dehhhh.... ga mau banyak dengerin omongan orang, ga mau buang energi & waktu njawabin pertanyaan orang..